News & Media
We are truly grateful for all of the coverage we have received along our journey so far! If you'd like to be added to this list, please feel free to contact us! We love sharing our story and meeting new friends.

Monmouth County Sheriff's Office- "5th Annual Autism Forum & Resource Fair" (April 2024)
The Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County- "A Month of Inclusion: Autism Awareness at Asbury Park" (April 2024)

'Kindness Is' Podcast by Kind Cotton- "Kindness is Connection: Nurturing Neurodiversity through Autism Advocacy with Shekira Farrell" (December 2023)
CanvasRebel Magazine- "Meet Shekira Farrell" (May 2023)
Queen Size Magazine- "Autism Awareness Month Featuring Shekira & Jaiden of Jai At Play" (April 2022)
People- "Mom And Son Connect Through Face Painting" (May 2019)
NowThis News- "Mom Transforms Son With Autism Into Heroes, Helps Him Excel in School " (April 2019)
Sister Circle on TVOne- "Light It Up Blue: Jaiden Farrell" (April 2019)
Because Of Them We Can- "Meet The Talented Mother Who Uses Cosplay To Help Her Autistic Son" (April 2019)
Creativ Mag- "When Love Sparks Creativity" (July 2018)
Babble- "The Creative Way One Mom Is Raising Awareness For Autism, In Honor Of Her Son" (June 2018)
ATTN: "Win Of The Week" (April 2018)
CBS46- Joshua Leonard "Team Supreme"
(Jaiden's appearance as Zeek from "Team Supreme" at 2:00 into video)
(June 2018)
Asbury Park Press- "Mother's Painted Face Speaks Volumes For Her Autistic Son" (June 2017)
Humankind by USA Today (July 2017)